2nd. Edition

The second edition of the Linked Spaces series was conceptualized during 2020 and is produced in 2021 based on the experiences lived by the artist during the Covid-19 quarantine, apart from being in a confined space, days of darkness in her City Maracaibo’s birthplace, due to electricity rationing, led her to reflect on other issues looking up at the sky.

In this period that we have been socially limited, the spaces that unite us have changed, the time in days and nights are more agitated in our electronic equipment that interconnects us in the cybernetic network, but if you look at the sky you can see the space that connect us, the clouds, the moon, the stars are always there to be observed from every place, no matter where you are, our thoughts unite us in the immense universe.

Blue Moon | Aluminum |  41 x 41 x 2,7 inch | 2021

Interlunio | Aluminum, EPVC | 41 x 41 x 3 inch | 2021. (Sold)

Interlunio or New Moon is what happens when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth in perfect alignment, it represents the beginning of a cycle, the night gets darker and in clear skies magic happens: the sky fills with stars and althought they are always there, seeing them shine in great numbers makes you feel as if they are celebrating with joy the wishes of millions of people; you realize that each being is a small dot in the universe in a space that links us, you feel gratitude and that is beautiful, like beautiful is the geometry that allows me to capture that moment.

The elements used as a technique for the creation of this work are based on the fact that the moon is a satellite, I have used them respecting its apparent quality, highlighting them rather through the forms; representing the Sun with a bright background that reflects the Planet Earth, that is you, the viewer, enriching the work to complete the INTERLUNIO.

Plenilunio | Aluminum | 41 x 41 x 2,7 inch | 2021. (Sold)

Fragmento LN

Aluminum |  22 x 22 x 2,7 inch | 2021. (Sold)

Fragmento PL

Aluminum |  22 x 22 x 2,7 inch | 2021. (Sold)

Fragmentos LN  |  Fragmento PL 


Fluffy Cloud | Aluminum |  22.5 x 22,5 x 2,7 inch | 2021